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Minify CSS Online


Examples #

Try a few example inputs:
  • [TRY] A simple example with a special comment.

See Also #

Description #

Minify CSS Online is a tool that allows you to minify your CSS resources. CSS minification is an optimization process that makes your Cascading Style Sheets smaller without changing their functionality. It is a simple lossless compression with obvious benefits. If you have smaller CSS files to deliver to the user, you need less bandwidth and the user receives the content faster. Minification is recommended even if your web server uses GZip compression, because the compressed minified CSS resource is usually even smaller than a compressed CSS resource that was not minified.

Minify CSS is based on Clean-css project by Jakub Pawlowicz.

Usage #

To minify your CSS using Minify CSS Online, simply copy the styles to the Input CSS field and hit the the "Minify!" button.

You can use several options to slightly modify the behavior of the CSS minification engine and its output. Enable the Put each CSS rule on a separate line option to force the output to have only one CSS rule on each line.

Using the Disable advanced optimizations you can switch off certain procedures (such as selector and property merging and reduction) that might save some extra bytes, but also will make it harder for a human coder to edit the minified styles.

Comments are removed during minification, but special CSS comments (i.e. /*! ... */) are preserved. If you want to remove them, enable the Remove special comments option. However, even if you want to remove special comments, you might want to preserve the very first special comment – for example, if it is a license information that must not be removed. In that case, you can enable the Do not remove the first special comment option.

Finally, you can specify whether you care about compatibility with the old Internet Explorer 8. If you do, enable the Preserve compatibility with IE8 option.

Limits #

The input size is limited to 2 MB.